
[英]Eclipse open console apps in separate window

Is there a way to configure eclipse to open console apps in a new window rather than it's own console when you run/debug them?


I'm debugging a client/server application and I'd like to see the output of both apps at once and not have to switch between the tabs...


3 个解决方案


In eclipse, you can have two console views... On the console view, you have a button called 'open console' (the most right button in the console view). If you click this and select option 3 (new console view), you will see two consoles.


If you right click on the console tab and click on 'detached' the console will be detached from the eclipse frame. (for Eclipse Juno, see the HRJ's comment below)

如果右键单击控制台选项卡并单击“已分离”,控制台将与eclipse框架分离。 (对于Eclipse Juno,请参阅下面的HRJ评论)

You can select which output you want to see on each console by clicking the 'display selected console' button (second button from the right on the console view)



I have a different solution to this that works for my situation, and can probably be adapted by others.


I actually want a real second console window -- gnome-terminal in my case. I want this because I want ANSI color support and I want JLine to operate correctly. I can separately start my program and connect remotely for debugging, but that's annoying.

我实际上想要一个真正的第二个控制台窗口 - 在我的情况下是gnome-terminal。我想要这个,因为我想要ANSI颜色支持,我希望JLine正常运行。我可以单独启动我的程序并远程连接进行调试,但这很烦人。

Locate where Java runs from, for the JRE eclipse will run as part of your debug config. Create a script there named gjava, give it the following content, and set it executable:

找到运行Java的位置,因为JRE eclipse将作为调试配置的一部分运行。创建一个名为gjava的脚本,为其提供以下内容,并将其设置为可执行文件:

gnome-terminal -x java $*

Then, in your launch configuration, on the common page, uncheck "Allocate console". On the JRE page, under Java executable, choose "Alternate" and enter gjava.

然后,在启动配置中,在公共页面上,取消选中“Allocate console”。在JRE页面的Java executable下,选择“Alternate”并输入gjava。

When Eclipse launches in debug mode, it will launch a gnome terminal and pass the remaining args to the Java processor, which will be running inside its window.


At that point you have a real console that supports JLine, ANSI colors, and full debug support.



When you create the second console, click on "Pin Console" and this will keep the console attached to the last application it was used for.




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