
[英]How to verify correct operation of Hibernate second level caching in a cluster?

I am wondering how to verify that Hibernate's L2 cache performs correctly. I have an application running on a cluster of JBoss 5 instances with JBoss Cache. Load testing would answer the question of performance.

我想知道如何验证Hibernate的L2缓存是否正确执行。我有一个使用JBoss Cache在JBoss 5实例集群上运行的应用程序。负载测试将回答性能问题。

But how to make sure that cluster related issues like the cache invalidation between nodes works like it should be?


2 个解决方案


I would suggest requesting resources by IP address. On server A, you can perform an update, and then request that same resource from server B. On update the resource should be invalidated from participating servers in the cluster, so the resulting request on server B should be the (newly) updated resource.



The easiest would be to check the 2nd level cache contents via the embedded console that JBoss 5 comes with and do an exercise like the one @Rich Kroll suggests.

最简单的方法是通过JBoss 5附带的嵌入式控制台检查二级缓存内容并进行类似@Rich Kroll建议的练习。

You can have a look at the Cache statistics via the embedded console that JBoss 5 comes with. It'll show the number of invalidations that have happened.

您可以通过JBoss 5附带的嵌入式控制台查看Cache统计信息。它将显示已发生的失效数量。




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