I write vba macros, that create file in random access mode:
Private Type Record
id As Long
name As String * 20
status As String * 10
End Type
Private rec As Record
Private rows_count As Long
Private datfilePath As String
Private Sub writeButton_Click()
datfilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path + "\data\datfile.dat"
datfile = FreeFile()
Open datfilePath For Random As #datfile Len = Len(rec)
rows_count = Int(LOF(datfile) / Len(rec))
rec.id = rows_count + 1
rec.name = "test_name_" + Str(rows_count + 1)
rec.status = "test_sta" + Str(rows_count + 1)
Put #datfile, rows_count + 1, rec
rows_count = Int(LOF(datfile) / Len(rec))
Close #datfile
End Sub
how to read created file in java?
in result:
import java.io.*;
class ReadVBFile {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
String file = "datfile.dat";
RandomAccessFile fh = new RandomAccessFile(file,"r");
int file_length =(int)fh.length();
int rec_length = 34;
int rec_count = (int)(file_length/rec_length);
System.out.println("file_length: " + file_length + "\r\n");
System.out.println("rec_count: " + rec_count + "\r\n");
for( int i_row=0; i_row < rec_count; i_row++ )
byte[] id_array = new byte[4];
byte[] name_array = new byte[20];
byte[] status_array = new byte[10];
for( int i=0; i < 34; i++ )
byte b = fh.readByte();
if( i < 4 )
id_array[i] = b;
else if( i < 24 )
name_array[i-4] = b;
else if( i < 34 )
status_array[i-24] = b;
fh.seek( i_row*34 + i + 1 );
// Long as Int
int myInt = ((id_array[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((id_array[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((id_array[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (id_array[0] & 0xff);
String name_value = new String(name_array);
String status_value = new String(status_array);
System.out.println( myInt + ", '" + name_value + "', '" + status_value + "'");
catch(IOException e)
System.out.println( "IOException: " + e.getMessage() );
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println( "Exception: " + e.getMessage() );