I am trying to iterate through an array using a for each loop in ruby but inside of the loop I am increasing the size of the array conditionally. I want to iterate through the array until I have run the iterate with every element in the array including all the ones I have added
我试图使用for ruby中的每个循环迭代一个数组,但是在循环内部我有条件地增加了数组的大小。我想迭代数组,直到我用数组中的每个元素运行迭代,包括我添加的所有元素
for x in fol
t = get_transition(x,"")
for i in t
if i != nil && !fol.include?(i)
fol = fol.push(i)
fol = fol.flatten
In the first loop of this code the array
fol = [1]
and it adds the element 3 to the array creating
fol = [1, 3]
It will then run the loop again with x = 3 and the array becomes
然后它将再次以x = 3运行循环并且数组变为
fol = [1, 3, 2]
But it will not iterate again with x = 2. Thank you in advance for any assistance
但它不会再次使用x = 2进行迭代。请提前感谢您提供任何帮助
For clarification purposes I have added in print statements and the output that they generate.
fol.each do |x|
puts "fol = #{fol}"
puts "x = #{x}"
t = get_transition(x,"")
puts "t = #{t}"
t.each do |i|
puts "i = #{i}"
if i != nil && !fol.include?(i)
fol = fol.push(i)
fol = fol.flatten
puts "\nfol = #{fol}"
This code generates this output
fol = [1]
x = 1
t = [3]
i = 3
fol = [1, 3]
x = 3
t = [2]
i = 2
fol = [1, 3, 2]
I am trying to iterate through an array using a for each loop in ruby but inside of the loop I am increasing the size of the array conditionally. I want to iterate through the array until I have run the iterate with every element in the array including all the ones I have added
我试图使用for ruby中的每个循环迭代一个数组,但是在循环内部我有条件地增加了数组的大小。我想迭代数组,直到我用数组中的每个元素运行迭代,包括我添加的所有元素
Why not just treat this as a queue? That's pretty much what you've described
queue = fol.clone
until queue.empty?
x = queue.pop
t = get_transition(x,"")
for i in t
if i != nil && !fol.include?(i)
# Not too sure what type "i" is here, but you push onto the queue here
# I'd try to avoid flattening if you know what your data types are as it will be slow