“Apple Watch应用的安装从来没有完成”在设备上部署Watch kit应用时出现的错误

[英]“Install of Apple Watch Application never finished” Error when deploying watch kit app to device

So I got my new watch (yay!). I manually added its UDID to the developer portal and refreshed the provisioning profiles and I was able to push an archive to ITC for testing but now I want to run the app in debug on my watch itself.


I try deploying the watch kit app target set to my phone as the device and it sits there and runs/ churns for a while and nothing happens.

我试着将watch kit应用程序目标集部署到我的手机上作为设备,它在那里运行/搅拌一段时间,什么都没有发生。

If I wait long enough, Xcode eventually errors with


"Install of Apple Watch Application never finished" Xcode error

“Apple Watch应用的安装从未完成”

Has anyone run across this or know of any tricks I can try?


7 个解决方案



I keep running into this as well with Xcode 7 beta and iOS 9 / watchOS 2 simulators.

我在Xcode 7 beta和ios9 / watchOS 2模拟器中也不断地遇到这个问题。

One solution that worked for me was to reset and restart both simulators, but it didn't work reliably. So I tried some other things, and what eventually started to work reliably for me was:


  1. Go to the "Apple Watch" companion app on the iOS simulator.
  2. 进入iOS模拟器上的“Apple Watch”配套应用。
  3. Click your app's name.
  4. 点击应用程序的名字。
  5. Toggle "Show App on Apple Watch" switch as shown in the screenshot below. (turn it off, and back on again)
  6. 点击下面的屏幕截图,切换到Apple Watch上的“显示应用”。(把它关掉,再打开)
  7. Run the app again from Xcode.
  8. 再次从Xcode运行应用程序。

enter image description here



Well with much testing and fooling around, I was able to fix the problem.


There was a mix of the error above as well as the usual verification error.


I had to double check and triple check that all 3 of the developer provisioning profiles for watch ext, watch app, and the app were up to date with the updated Watch UDID device.

我不得不反复检查,三遍检查,所有三个开发人员为watch ext、watch app提供的配置文件,以及该应用与最新的watch UDID设备同步。

Note: For debugging watch apps, I have found that you seem to have to select to run the app from your watch and then the debugger will trigger




I had this problem with the simulator. I solved it by resetting both simulators (File/"Reset Content and Settings..."). Not sure if I had to be that drastic... deleting the app may have worked also, restarting the simulator didn't.




I had this same problem, but for different reasons when developing with Xcode 7 and iOS 9.

我也有同样的问题,但是在使用Xcode 7和ios9开发时,出于不同的原因。

If this helps for anyone developing their WatchKit Extension (not watchOS 2.0 app stand alone) with Xcode 7 beta (and iOS 9) and they wish to test on their actual Watch, I had to make sure the WatchKit App Device Id (on the Apple Dev Portal) AND the Xcode target had App Groups enabled.

如果这对任何人帮助发展他们WatchKit扩展(不是watchOS 2.0应用程序独立)在Xcode 7β(iOS和9),他们希望测试实际的观察,我不得不确保WatchKit应用设备Id(在苹果开发者门户)和Xcode目标应用程序组启用。

This is different. Perviously just the Watch Extension required App Groups enabled.


My WatchKit app DEV provisioning profile also, of course, had to have the UUID of the watch used in development.




I had similar issue on a physical device. I fixed this by restart apple watch.

我在物理设备上也有类似的问题。我通过重启apple watch解决了这个问题。

To do this just long press a button on right side of watch and select "Power off" from screen and after that next long press on right side button.




I had the exact issue, and after trying different combinations, I was able to resolve this issue.


Below is list of items you need to check before you debug your Watch App on Simulator:


  1. Make sure that the Bundle Identifier of your WatchKit App and WatchKit Extension is set properly and you have selected proper provisioning profile and certificates for both.


  2. The Bundle Identifier of your 'WatchKit extension' should contain the Bundle identifier of your 'WatchKit App'. For example if your 'WatchKit App' has bundle identifier as 'com.example.watchkitapp', then your 'WatchKit Extension's' bundle identifier should be 'com.example.watchkitapp.watchkitextension'

    “WatchKit扩展”的Bundle标识符应该包含“WatchKit应用”的Bundle标识符。例如,如果你的“WatchKit应用程序”的bundle identifier为“com.example”。watchkitapp'然后'WatchKit扩展' bundle id应该是'com.example.watchkitapp.watchkitextension'

  3. Make sure your Watch App & Extension has Version Number same as your iPhone app.


I hope the above steps will help you resolve your issue.


Happy Coding :)




I had this problem and solve it by turning 'Keychain sharing' off in Project->Target->Capabilities.


Keychain sharing is on but should be off




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