单元测试Asp。Net WebApi:如何使用[FromUri]参数测试方法的正确路由

[英]Unit testing Asp.Net WebApi: how to test correct routing of a method with [FromUri] parameters

I'd like to test this controller:


public IList<Notification> GetNotificationsByCustomerAndId([FromUri] string[] name, [FromUri] int[] lastNotificationID)         
    return _storage.GetNotifications(name, lastNotificationID, _topX);

In particular, in this method I want to test that the array passed in input to form the request Url, is the same array that goes into routeData.Values. If for single valued parameters (not arrays) it works, but not working for arrays. If I debug Values I see only controller and action.


public void GetNotificationsByCustomerAndId_ArrayOverload_Should_Match_InputParameter_name()
    string[] _testName = new string[] { _testCustomer, _testCustomerBis };

    string Url = string.Format(
           _testName[0], _testName[1],
           _testNotificationID, _testNotificationIDBis);

    IHttpRouteData routeData = GetRouteData(Url);

Is there another way to unit test while you are passing arrays?


3 个解决方案



Perhaps you can use List<string> rather than string[] as in this answer?

也许您可以使用List 而不是string[]作为答案?

Also, you might need to put name[] instead of name in the query string.


After looking into this, I'm wondering whether model binding of non-simple types is not done during the GetRouteData call -- after all, routing does not consider these types and you cannot create two routes that differ by eg. the number of elements in the passed array.


So you should look into model binding instead of request routing. To test your code without actually performing the call, you could retrieve a ModelBinder object manually and use that to parse the URL. This test from the ASP.NET source code might be relevant for you.




I think that you should create a new method that will automatically determine the number of array elements and expose them to the url.


private static void ParameterSubstitution(string[] testName, string[] testNotification, ref string url)
    const string firstParametrName = "name";
    const string secondParametrName = "lastNotificationID";
    // first parametr
    url += string.Format("?{0}={1}", firstParametrName, string.Join(string.Format("&{0}=", firstParametrName), testName));
    // second parametr
    url += string.Format("&{0}={1}", secondParametrName, string.Join(string.Format("&{0}=",secondParametrName), testNotification));

and then you can use it like:


var testName = new[] { "Name1", "Name2"};
var testNotification = new[] { "Notification1", "Notification2", "Notification3" };

var Url =

ParameterSubstitution(testName, testNotification, ref Url);



You can create list of query string parameters for array items and then join them using String.Join method with & as separator. This should get you the required query string easily.

您可以为数组项创建查询字符串参数列表,然后使用字符串连接它们。连接方法与& as分隔符。这将使您轻松获得所需的查询字符串。

        public void GetNotificationsByCustomerAndId_ArrayOverload_Should_Match_InputParameter_name()
            string[] _testName = new string[] { _testCustomer, _testCustomerBis };

            // ASSUMING _testNotificationIDBis IS STRING ARRAY
            List<string> nParams = _testName.Select(n => string.Format("lastNotificationID={0}", n)).ToList<string>();
            string Url = string.Format(
               _testName[0], _testName[1],
               String.Join("&", nParams.ToArray()));

            IHttpRouteData routeData = GetRouteData(Url);



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