[GC[DefNew //表示新生代发生GC
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 1)//desired survivor size 表示一个survivor大小的一半,也就是1M的一半0.5M
- age 1: 748784 bytes, 748784 total
: 5188K->731K(9216K), 0.0049848 secs] 5188K->4827K(19456K), 0.0054757 secs] [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]//5188->731就表示4M去了老年代分配担保,留下1/4M的数据转到了tospace
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 1)
- age 1: 136 bytes, 136 total
: 4911K->0K(9216K), 0.0018743 secs] 9007K->4825K(19456K), 0.0020440 secs] [Times//4911->0表示4M无指引的内存被回收,而1/4M的tospace内存因为MaxTenuringThreshold=1所以经过两次GC转为了老年代数据
: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
def new generation total 9216K, used 4260K [0x00000000f9a00000, 0x00000000fa4//最终新生代只剩下了新对象3的4M内存
00000, 0x00000000fa400000)
eden space 8192K, 52% used [0x00000000f9a00000, 0x00000000f9e28fd0, 0x0000000//最终新生代只剩下了新对象3的4M内存
from space 1024K, 0% used [0x00000000fa200000, 0x00000000fa200088, 0x0000000
to space 1024K, 0% used [0x00000000fa300000, 0x00000000fa300000, 0x0000000
tenured generation total 10240K, used 4825K [0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fa//老年代存了分配担保机制来的4M和年龄晋升来的1/4M数据,共4824K
e00000, 0x00000000fae00000)
the space 10240K, 47% used [0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fa8b6730, 0x000000
00fa8b6800, 0x00000000fae00000)
compacting perm gen total 21248K, used 2702K [0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fc
2c0000, 0x0000000100000000)
the space 21248K, 12% used [0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fb0a3be0, 0x000000
00fb0a3c00, 0x00000000fc2c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
// allocation1=new byte[_1MB/4];
allocation2=new byte[4*_1MB];
allocation3=new byte[4*_1MB];
allocation3=new byte[4*_1MB];
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
- age 1: 486624 bytes, 486624 total
: 4932K->475K(9216K), 0.0042339 secs] 4932K->4571K(19456K), 0.0047175 secs] [Tim//4932减少到475,也就是初始不分配任何东西进去也被占用了475K
es: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
- age 1: 136 bytes, 136 total
- age 2: 485136 bytes, 485272 total
: 4655K->473K(9216K), 0.0020539 secs] 8751K->4569K(19456K), 0.0023532 secs] [Tim//这里4655减少到473,可见两次GC之后survivor中数据并没有到老年代去
es: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
这里我再将allocation1分配37K的内存,也就是将上述分配第一行改为allocation1=new byte[37*1024];
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 15)
- age 1: 524528 bytes, 524528 total
: 4969K->512K(9216K), 0.0039282 secs] 4969K->4608K(19456K), 0.0042211 secs] [Tim//这里4969减少到512K
es: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
: 4608K->0K(9216K), 0.0019568 secs] 8704K->4608K(19456K), 0.0024216 secs] [Times//这里4608减少到0,也就是说survivor中数据去了老年代,但是设置了MaxTenuringThreshold=15,本要经过15次GC,这里要提到刚才设置的allocation1的37K数据,37+475=512,而512K数据正好是survivor的一半,这里是根据动态对象年龄判断规则(如果在survivor空间中相同年龄所有对象大小的总和大于survivor空间的一半,年龄大于或等于该年龄的对象就可以直接进入老年代,无须等到MaxTenuringThreshold中要求的年龄)。所以这里第一次GC37K数据从eden区复制到了survivor,加上本身survivor的475K一共512K,在第二次GC的时候这512K数据符合规则直接去了老年代。
: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
def new generation total 9216K, used 4262K [0x00000000f9a00000, 0x00000000fa4
00000, 0x00000000fa400000)
eden space 8192K, 52% used [0x00000000f9a00000, 0x00000000f9e29b00, 0x0000000
from space 1024K, 0% used [0x00000000fa200000, 0x00000000fa200000, 0x0000000
to space 1024K, 0% used [0x00000000fa300000, 0x00000000fa300000, 0x0000000//由对内存数据也可以看出survivor数据去变为了0
tenured generation total 10240K, used 4608K [0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fa//老年代数据区存放了分配担保机制过来的4M和512K的数据
e00000, 0x00000000fae00000)
the space 10240K, 45% used [0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fa880100, 0x000000
00fa880200, 0x00000000fae00000)
compacting perm gen total 21248K, used 2702K [0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fc
2c0000, 0x0000000100000000)
the space 21248K, 12% used [0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fb0a3be0, 0x000000
00fb0a3c00, 0x00000000fc2c0000)
No shared spaces configured.