I have dictionary and created Pandas using cars = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cars_dict, orient='index') and sorted the index (columns in alphabetical order
cars = cars.sort_index(axis=1) After sorting I noticed the DataFrame has NaN and I wasn't sure if the really np.nan values? print(cars.isnull().any()) and all column shows false.
我有字典,用cars = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cars_dict, orient='index')创建了熊猫,并对索引进行排序(按字母顺序排列的cars中的列= cars.sort_index(axis=1))。nan值吗?print(cars.isnull().any())和所有列都显示为false。
I have tried different method to convert those "NaN" values to zero which is what I want to do but non of them is working. I have tried replace and fillna methods and nothing works Below is sample of my dataframe..
speedtest size
toyota 65 NaN
honda 77 800
Either use replace
or np.where
on the values if they are strings:
df = df.replace('NaN', 0)
df[:] = np.where(df.eq('NaN'), 0, df)
Or, if they're actually NaNs (which, it seems is unlikely), then use fillna
df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
Or, to handle both situations at the same time, use apply
+ pd.to_numeric
(slightly slower but guaranteed to work in any case):
或者,要同时处理这两种情况,使用apply + pd。to_numeric(稍微慢一点但保证在任何情况下工作):
df = df.apply(to_numeric, errors='coerce').fillna(0, downcast='infer')
Thanks to piRSquared for this one!