实现条件 1.登陆界面,2.三次登陆机会,登陆成功进入登陆菜单,3,进入菜单进行选择,实现 1,查询,2,存款,3,取款,4,修改密码,5退出,再位选择退出时可一直重复操作。
import java.util.Scanner; public class TestATM{ public static void main(String[] args) { String user = "admin"; String password ="123456"; double money = 10000; Scanner sc = new Scanner(; welcome(); boolean b = login(user,password); /*login successful come to the menu*/ while(b==true){/ System.out.println("login successful !"); System.out.println("Now You In The Menu And Select Any Operation."); System.out.println("***1.Check the Balance***"+"\n"+ "***2.Withdrawing Money***"+"\n"+ "***3.Deposit Money***"+"\n"+ "***4.Change Password***"+"\n"+ "***5.exit***"); while(true){ int opt = sc.nextInt(); switch (opt){ case 1: checkMoney(money); retreate(); break; case 2: money = withdrawMoney(money); System.out.println("operate successfully,you remaining sum is "+money); retreate(); break; case 3: money = depositMoney(money); System.out.println("operate successfully,you remaining sum is "+money); retreate(); break; case 4: password = changePassword(password); retreate(); break; case 5: retreate(); System.exit(0); default: break; } } } } public static void welcome(){ System.out.println("***********************************************"); System.out.println("--------------------------Welcoming------------"); System.out.println("--------------------------Version 1 ------------"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); } /*Three times to verify login*/ public static boolean login(String us,String pw){ System.out.println("***Only Thirds Tiems Please Carefully***"); int k = 2; for(int i = 1; i<4;i++){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("please input your username:"); String user_name =; System.out.println("please input your password:"); String user_pw =; if (us.equals(user_name)&&pw.equals(user_pw)) return true; else{ if(k!=0) { System.out.println("***Please Again Input Your Name And Password"+" "+"Only"+" "+k-- +" "+"Times***"); }else System.out.println("You Have No Time,Please Contact Our Staff Now."); continue; } } return false; } /*check money*/ public static void checkMoney(double money) { System.out.println("Your Balance is"+" "+money+" RMB "); } public static double withdrawMoney(double money1){ Scanner sc =new Scanner(; System.out.println("please input you want to withdraw money "); double wm = sc.nextInt(); money1 = money1 - wm; return money1; } public static double depositMoney(double money2){ Scanner sc =new Scanner(; System.out.println("please input you want to set money "); double sm = sc.nextInt(); money2 = money2 + sm; return money2; } public static String changePassword(String old_password){ System.out.println("please input your old ps"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String pd =; if(pd.equals(old_password)){ System.out.println("please input your new pw "); String pw1 =; System.out.println("please again input your new pw"); String pw2 =; if (pw1.equals(pw2)) { System.out.println("chage password is successful."); return pw1; }else{ System.out.println("The two passwords differ."); return pd; } }else{ System.out.println("input old password is failed try again."); return old_password; } } public static void retreate(){ System.out.println("Continue OR Not Operation"+"(y/n)"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String cn =; if (cn.equals("y")) { return ; }else if (cn.equals("n")) { System.out.println("Exit successful!1"); System.exit(0); }else { while (true) { System.out.println("input is failed again?(y/n))"); String temp =; if (temp.equals("y")) { return; } else if (temp.equals("n")) { System.out.println("Exit successful!2"); System.exit(0); } } } } }