
[英]How to prevent all symbols from static library to load and why other symbols from same .o file get exported to test while linking static library

Suppose there are three c files, say a.c contains functions xx(), yy() and b.c contains nn(), mm() and c.c contains qq(), rr().


I made a static library stat.a out of a.o, b.o and c.o. If I link stat.a into a test which calls xx(), then symbol yy() also gets exported: nm test has both symbols xx and yy.

我从a.o,b.o和c.o中创建了一个静态库stat.a.如果我将stat.a链接到一个调用xx()的测试,那么符号yy()也会被导出:nm test同时包含符号xx和yy。

  1. I would like to know why the symbols qq and rr do not get exported ?
  2. 我想知道为什么符号qq和rr不会被导出?
  3. Is there any method to prevent any other symbols than xx being loaded?
  4. 是否有任何方法可以防止除xx被加载之外的任何其他符号?

1 个解决方案



  1. I would like to know why the symbols qq and rr do not get exported ?
  2. 我想知道为什么符号qq和rr不会被导出?

You have to inform the linker of your intention How to force gcc to link an unused static library


gcc -L./ -o test test.c -Wl,--whole-archive stat.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive

gcc -L./ -o test test.c -Wl, - whole-archive stat.a -Wl, - no-whole-archive

  1. Is there any method to prevent any other symbols than xx being loaded?
  2. 是否有任何方法可以防止除xx被加载之外的任何其他符号?

From How do I include only used symbols when statically linking with gcc?


gcc -ffunction-sections -c a.c

gcc -ffunction-sections -c a.c

gcc -L./ -o test test.c -Wl,--gc-sections stat.a

gcc -L./ -o test test.c -Wl, - gc-sections stat.a



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