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添加聊天节点。js到现有的php网站。 - Adding chat with node.js to existing php website
2014年03月19 - I have a website running on shared server with apache/mysql/php. Each of the pages of the site
Node.js(用于实时通知)添加到现有PHP应用程序 - Adding Node.js (for real-time notifications) to an existing PHP
2013年05月09 - PHP应用程序,我需要添加实时通知。为了实现这一点,我安装了node.js(打算为所有实时功能添加socket.io) However. Despite spending the last three
将alt img标签添加到现有的php网站 - Adding alt img tags to an existing php website
2009年06月16 - I am currently trying to add in alt img tags for an existing website running the interspire
将现有的Node Js项目添加到现有的。net解决方案 - Adding existing Node Js project to Existing .Net Solution
2017年05月06 - if anyone has previously done so - adding a .NET application with existing Node.js application. If so any
基于PHP的网站上的Node.JS通知 - Node.JS notifications on my PHP based website
2012年09月23 - , but the tricky part seems to be the implementation with PHP. 我当然知道一点Node.JS和Socket.IO,但棘手的部分似乎是PHP的实现。 What I
PHP Socket服务器vs节点。js:网络聊天 - PHP Socket Server vs node.js: Web Chat
2011年01月01 - (取决于使用的浏览器)对HTTP web聊天进行编程。Userdatabase mysql。聊天是用PHP编写的,可能聊天流本身也可以用javascript编写(node.js): I don't
私人聊天消息使用Node.js,Socket.io,Redis在PHP中 - Private Chat Messaging using Node.js, Socket.io, Redis
2016年05月16 - I am working for a real time private messaging system into my php application. My codes are working
向现有php数组添加列 - Adding columns to existing php arrays
2012年09月05 - Using PHP let's assume that I have successfully read a record from a MySQL table using
Node js -创建持久的私有聊天室 - Node js - Creating persistent private chat rooms
2011年04月11 - I've been reading so much a bout node js lately, and the chat capabilities seem very nice. However
node.js socket.io简单聊天 - node.js socket.io simple chat
2011年07月25 - I'm starting playing with node.js and as everybody, I want do a chat. 我开始玩node.js和大家一样,我想聊聊天。 My

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