2011年12月21 - I just started learning python and django and I have a question. I got the assignment to turn function views into classbased views. But my links
2015年07月07 - When using method-basedview, redirecting with reverse didn't complain about this and can still find the root url conf. But, in class-based views
2011年06月07 - I'm using the generic CreateView like:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic import
2013年04月02 - It is unclear to me how it is best to access URL-parameters in class-based-views in Django 1.5.
我不清楚在Django 1.5中如何最好地访问基于类的视图中的url参数。
2018年06月30 - I have a django listview working fine.
我有一个django listview正常工作。
Its receive urlparameters to filter data. Its paginated.
2015年01月09 - The official documentation explains how to decorate a classbasedview, however I could not find any information on how to provide parameters