花费 534ms 找到283178条记录
1 如何在Symfony Bundle中包含自定义类? - How to include a custom class in a Symfony Bundle?
2013年07月03 - I have a Symfony bundle where I will have to use a custom class. This class does not have to be accessible from all the website, but just
2 如何添加自定义类以在Symfony2 FormType中选择标记 - How to add a custom class to select tag in Symfony2 FormType
2014年05月07 - I need to add a custom class to my select tag (<select>) generated by an FormType with symfony2. All options are generated by Symfony 我需要将自定义类
3 如何使用Symfony控制台初始化:bundle? - How to use Symfony console to init:bundle?
2011年06月25 - Generates a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle doctrine:generate:form Generates a form type class based on a Doctrine entity doctrine
4 如何在Symfony2中扩展不同bundle的配置? - How to extend config of different bundle in Symfony2?
2011年10月13 - from config in DependenyInjection/AcmeExtension.php's load method, but I haven't found anything about it anywhere. 我知道我可以覆盖模板或扩展其他bundle的类。但是我可以扩展配置
5 如何在Symfony中包含库 - How to include a library in Symfony
2010年05月10 - , they are in the lib directory. 我正在使用Symfony编写应用程序。我有一些可重用的组件,我不想放入主Symfony模块;相反,它们位于lib目录中。 What I want to know is, what is the best way to include this file? Can I
6 Syffony2为Grewar Captcha Bundle定制主题 - Symfony2 custom theme for Grewar Captcha Bundle
2013年08月21 - I use GregwarCaptchaBundle to generate captcha in Symfony 2.3.2. But I don't know how to custom theme for it, I don't want to use the default theme
7 如何在Symfony 2中获取当前捆绑包? - How to get current bundle in Symfony 2?
2012年05月11 - How can I detect in which bundle am I? 我怎样才能检测到哪一捆? for exemple, when I'm in web.com/participants/list, I want to read "participants". 例如,当我在web.com
8 如何从bundle获得类 - How to get the class from bundle
2013年03月13 - the class of the TUPhoneLogger in the bundle TelephonyUtilities.framework. However, the debugger always show "error: unknown class". 我正在努力获得捆绑电话会议框架中
9 Symfony2中包含用户自定义函数的最佳实践 - Include User Custom Functions Best Practice in Symfony2
2011年11月15 - I am a newbie in Symfony2 and I can't understand where I should make includes with my custom cross-projects functions (e.g. array_merge_overwrite
10 如何在Symfony2中找到包含的路径? - How can I find the path to an include in Symfony2?
2012年01月18 - I've looked thoroughly over Symfony related questions on this site but can't find the answer I need. 我在这个网站上彻底查看了Symfony相关问题,但找不到我需要的答案。 I'm using

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