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1 选择查询获取表中的行作为MySQL中的列 - SELECT query getting rows of table as columns in MySQL
2013年03月07 - help with a select query. I would like to get a table with questions in the rows and the four answers as columns (first the correct one
2 如果表1中的* all *行不存在,则MySQL查询从表2中选择行 - MySQL query to select rows from table 2 if *all* rows from table 1 are not present
2015年09月04 - I'm doing a kind of point-of-sale system whose MySQL database has (among other things) a table with items for sale, a table with sales, and a table
3 MySQL中选择行作为列? - SELECT rows as columns in MySQL?
2012年04月07 - pageviews (cnt) per day (_date) per user (user_id). I'm looking for a SELECT query that will output the user_ids as columns so the table
4 MySql查询:从表中为每个类别选择前3行 - MySql Query: Select top 3 rows from table for each category
2010年06月29 - I have a table with records and it has a row called category. I have inserted too many articles and I want to select only two articles from each
5 如何通过1个查询将一个表的多行组合成Mysql中的多个列? - How can I combine multiple rows of a table into multiple columns in Mysql with 1 query?
2013年09月18 - tried so far: 到目前为止我尝试了什么: SELECT id1, CASE WHEN id2 ='A' THEN value ELSE 0 END A, CASE WHEN id2 ='B' THEN value ELSE 0 END B FROM table1 WHERE id2
6 加入行以避免Mysql Select Query中的冗余 - Joining Rows To Avoid Redundancy in Mysql Select Query
2017年02月21 - I have 2 tables: 我有2张桌子: Table1: product(id_product, ...) 表1:产品(id_product,...) Table2: image_product(id_image, id_product). 表2:image_product
7 根据不同表中的列从SELECT中删除行 - removing rows from a SELECT based on columns in a different table
2011年01月12 - I'm pretty much looking for a way to filter out rows from a SELECT of one table based on certain values in rows of another table. 我几乎在寻找一种方法来根据另一个表的行
8 MySQL Query中将行转换为列 - Convert rows into columns in MySQL Query
2016年03月01 - I am getting above result from this query 我从这个查询得到了上面的结果 SELECT sa.Student_Id, CONCAT_WS(' ', es.Student_FName, es.Student_LName
9 mySQL - 使用select返回多行来更新多个列 - mySQL - update multiple columns with a select returning multiple rows
2011年05月12 - the first row could be updated: 我已经找到了一个SELECT查询来查找最近的邮政编码,这是第一行可以更新的一种笨拙的方式: update table1 set nearestPostcode1 = (select query for returning the first
10 MYSQL如果一个select查询返回0行然后另一个select查询? - MYSQL if a select query returns 0 rows then another select query?
2010年07月08 - if select * from table where x=1 returns 0 rows, then I need select * from table where x=2 [or some other query]. Is it possible to do

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