2015年07月24 - I have a file proxy.txt in my computer, so I know howread it sequentially using this simple method:
2013年03月20 - I have the following to read a file line by line:
wscript.echo "BEGIN"
filePath = WScript.Arguments(0)
filePath = "C:\Temp\vblist.txt
2011年03月16 - but to implement binary search I need a seek operation which will works on line number(RandomAccessFile seek operation works on offset or byte length in java
2009年06月01 - I am using a randomaccessfile in which i want to delete a line which satisfies some condition like if i have records
2010年11月04 - I know how to read a bitmap file into a byte array. How is the byte array then converted to a Java Bitmap?
2012年02月19 - time it is added.
Is there anyway i can read the newest/latest xml file from the directory?