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rails:如何访问应用程序控制器中的方法? - rails: how do i access a method in my application controller?
2010年12月07 - the method incorrectly? 2) How do I access this method from a sub-classed controller? 两个问题:1)错误是什么?我是否错误地调用
我如何检查rails应用程序控制器中是否存在方法? - how do i check for the existence of a method in a rails application
2009年05月06 - In my application controller, I have a method that is supposed to check for the existence
如何在Rails中为我的控制器和模型提供方法? - How do I make a method available to both my controller and model in Rails?
2010年08月25 - I have a private method in my Rails app to connect to Amazon S3, execute a passed block of code
如何访问Rails 3应用程序对象的名称? - How do I access the name of the Rails 3 application object?
2010年08月21 - I need to know the name of a programmers application from within a Rails 3 engine. 我需要从Rails 3引擎中知
如何访问Rails查询对象的数据? - How do I access data from my Rails query object?
2015年04月17 - /active-record-eager-loading-with-query-objects-and-decorators) tutorial to build my query object, but how do I access my store data from the result??? 我遵循
如何测试我的控制器是否在Rails 3上呈现了正确的布局? - How do I test whether my controller rendered the right layout
2011年02月14 - ' end end end end How should I test this in the spec? 我应该如何在规范中测试这个? require 'spec_helper
如何在我的Emberjs Rails应用程序中包含jQuery Mobile - How do I include jQuery Mobile in my Emberjs Rails
2012年11月12 - is the problem. I am trying to include jquery mobile into my rails application. I have tried both manually
rails中,如何从我的d3 js代码访问json? - in rails, how do i access json from my d3 js code?
2015年05月04 - access through ruby language portion of my erb file, but how do I do the same in javascript for the sake
如何从lib/任务的任务中访问rails数据库? - How do I access my rails database from a task in lib/tasks?
2009年04月04 - be very sloppy. I am sure there is a way to do this. I tried to just access the object...this is what I
Rails - 如何在自定义布局中使用application.html.erb? - Rails - How do I use application.html.erb in my custom
2015年05月07 - "page.html.erb" layout to use "application.html.erb" by default. How do I do make my custom layout "page.html.erb

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