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在SQL中具有对象(表)权限的用户和角色的列表 - list of users and roles that have permissions to an object (table) in SQL
2011年05月12 - You d think I d be able to Google such a simple question. But no matter what I try, I hit a brick wa
Azure Cloud Service App尝试连接到(localdb)而不是Azure SQL - Azure Cloud Service App trying to connect to (lo
2013年09月09 - I have a new App that I am trying to deploy to Azure Cloud Services. Developed locally using VisualS
设置SQL Azure服务器的名称 - Setting a SQL Azure server's name
2015年05月12 - One can create a SQL Server on Azure with cmdlet New AzureSqlDatabaseServer 可以使用cmdlet New AzureSqlD
在本地Azure模拟器上创建一个SQL Server数据库(不在网上) - Creating a SQL Server Database on the local Azure emulator (No
2013年07月01 - I have succeeded in creating a basic tables running on the azure emulator in Visual Studio and I hav
Azure节点:从SQL Azure Easy表插入功能访问表存储 - Azure Node: Access table storage from SQL Azure Easy tables inse
2016年03月27 - I m trying to insert some data into table storage from the SQL Azure EasyTables insert statement but
如何在常规Windows服务器上镜像SQL Azure数据库? - How can I mirror an SQL Azure Database on a regular windows server
2011年05月25 - I m considering migrating our existing SaaS website to Windows Azure. 我正在考虑将现有的SaaS网站迁移到Windows Azur
Windows Azure - 移动服务 - SQL数据库 - Windows Azure - Mobile Services - SQL Databases
2013年11月25 - I m new to Windows Azure. I have briefly played around with settings up a Mobile Service and downloa
由于缺少SSL加密,连接到SQL Azure数据库失败 - Connecting to SQL Azure Database fails due to missing SSL encryption
2015年05月28 - I am learning ASP.NET vNext on my Mac. For the last day, I ve been stuck trying to connect to my SQL
SQL Azure:列出所有登录名和用户 - SQL Azure: list all logins and users
2016年04月15 - I m using . 我正在使用V Azure SQL。 To list all logins we can use this query on database: 要列出所有登录 服务器级别 ,我
在Azure VM上从本地SQL切换到Azure SQL数据库 - 降低性能 - Switching from Local SQL to Azure SQL Database on Azure VM
2016年02月06 - Currently I am hosting my online application on an Azure VM. This is a pretty standard Umbraco websi

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