2012年01月07 - it doesn't belong. I then have to manually remove it from that phase, and manually add it to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
2012年12月11 - Is it possible to force ASP.NET MVC 4 bundle to render links with full domain address? I mean a bundle like this: ~/bundle/jquery render to http
2012年03月02 - I installed ruby 1.9.3 on ubuntu 10.04 server. There is problem with capistrano to find the bundle. How to find the path for the ruby dir and where
2012年08月14 - I got a bug or maybe I forgot a thing but servicemix does not want to put the correct bundle name / symbolic name :
2015年07月17 - need to manually add IOKit from the Xcode.app bundle. After doing so remove $(DEVELOPER_DIR)/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk