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1 如何添加.fsh /。vsh着色文件到Xcode以便它们被添加到自动复制Bundle资源阶段? - How to add .fsh/.vsh shader files to Xcode so they are added to Copy Bundle Resources phase
2012年01月07 - it doesn't belong. I then have to manually remove it from that phase, and manually add it to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. 每当我在我的项目资源中添加一个新的.fsh
2 如何强制MVC 4包以呈现具有完整域地址的链接 - how to force MVC 4 bundle to render links with full domain address
2012年12月11 - Is it possible to force ASP.NET MVC 4 bundle to render links with full domain address? I mean a bundle like this: ~/bundle/jquery render to http
3 获取应用程序包中的文件夹中的文件路径 - getting path of file in a folder in App bundle
2015年11月11 - My bundle has this structure: AppName->DevelopmentAssets->Images. 我的包具有以下结构:AppName-> DevelopmentAssets-> Images。 I would like to use
4 Errno :: EACCES:通过gitlab安装gem时权限被拒绝 - Errno::EACCES: Permission denied when installing gems via gitlab
2012年12月25 - 设置gitlab,从而使用sudo从另一个用户帐户安装一些gem,但我不断收到Permission denied错误。 sudo -u gitlab -H bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres >
5 如何在ubuntu上找到ruby和bundle的安装路径? - how to find installed path for ruby and bundle on ubuntu?
2012年03月02 - I installed ruby 1.9.3 on ubuntu 10.04 server. There is problem with capistrano to find the bundle. How to find the path for the ruby dir and where
6 bundle与package区别与联系
2014年08月20 - 转:http://blog.csdn.net/lmbda/article/details/17895619 bundle是Apple提供的软件安装的便捷方法。 bundle为用户和开发者提供了一个简单地接口。bundle和package package:看起来像一个文件的目录
7 Servicemix和包名称/符号名称 - Servicemix and bundle Name/ Symbolic Name
2012年08月14 - I got a bug or maybe I forgot a thing but servicemix does not want to put the correct bundle name / symbolic name : 我有一个错误或者我忘了一件事但是servicemix不想放正确的包
8 每次我回到片段时,ArrayList都会增加一倍 - ArrayList Double his size each time I come back to the fragment
2018年10月02 - ("hotels",3)); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState
9 从Xcode.app包添加IOKit - Adding IOKit from Xcode.app bundle
2015年07月17 - need to manually add IOKit from the Xcode.app bundle. After doing so remove $(DEVELOPER_DIR)/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk
10 如何在Bundle中传递自定义对象? - How to pass custom object in Bundle?
2011年04月25 - I am trying to pass my own custom object into a bundle: 我试图将自己的自定义对象传递到一个包中: Bundle b = new Bundle(); STMessage message = (STMessage

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