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2015年08月06 - I am getting following error while deploying Rails application using Capistrano 我在使用Capistrano 部署Rai
Capistrano3部署错误(错误:无法构建gem本机扩展。) - Capistrano3 deployment error(ERROR: Failed to build gem native
2014年04月23 - Getting the following error on bundle install during deployment with capistrano 使用capistrano 在部署期间在b
使用Capistrano的Bundler不会为DelayedJob生成二进制文件 - Bundler with Capistrano doesn't generate a binary for Del
2014年03月26 - I m using Bundler for a Rails app deployed by Capistrano. I m trying to add the DelayedJob gem, but
Rails 4,Capistrano 3在bundle exec rake资产期间失败:预编译并返回rake stdout:Nothing - Rails 4, Capistrano 3 fail d
2014年04月08 - Deploying with Capistrano fail during rake assets:precompile: 在rake资产期间使用Capistrano进行部署失败:预编译: The P
Capistrano 3:在任务中使用服务器自定义变量 - Capistrano 3: use server custom variable in task
2014年01月20 - I have multi stage multi server setup and in my task I need to use server name e.g. in stagin.rb I h
如何在Capistrano 3中设置current_path - How to set current_path in Capistrano 3
2015年05月11 - Is there a way to set the current path folder in Capistrano . 有没有办法在Capistrano 中设置当前路径文件夹。 I can see
部署后如何重新启动puma? - How to restart puma after deploy?
2015年04月09 - I m using Rails, Puma, Capistrano . I have installed the gem as well. I started Puma with Puma Jungl
部署Rails应用程序需要重新启动Apache才能显示更改 - Deploying Rails app requires Apache restart to show changes
2015年05月13 - I m deploying a Rails . . app to an Apache Passenger server with Capistrano . . . 我正在使用Capistrano .
Capistrano:显式调用`deploy:assets:precompile`时未编译的资产 - Capistrano: Assets not compiled when explicitly i
2015年03月26 - I can compile my assets in my Rails . project locally like so: 我可以在本地Rails . 项目中编译我的资产,如下所示: Also on
如何指示Capistrano 3加载我在远程主机上设置的shell环境变量? - How can I instruct Capistrano 3 to load my shell environmen
2014年08月25 - I want to instruct Capistrano to load environment variables that are defined on remote server. How c

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