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WordPress Spam on?action =注册URL - WordPress Spam on ?action=register URL
2015年01月24 - of traffic every month and we ve run into a weird issue. We are using the Really Simple Captcha plugin
验证码不适用于yii - captcha does not work on yii
2012年01月04 - the captcha alright but the validation does not happen. What could be the problem 这使得验证码正常,但验证不会发生。可能是什么
如何验证机器人是否正在输入信息 - How to Verify whether a Robot is Entering Information
2009年08月06 - I have a web form which the users fill and the info send to server and stored on a database. I am wo
如何识别这些图像中字母的颜色? - How can I identify the color of the letters in these images?
2017年01月19 - I am using this article to solve captchas. It works by removing the background from the image using
改进reCaptcha 2.0解决自动化脚本(Selenium) - Improve reCaptcha 2.0 solving automation script (Selenium)
2015年08月27 - I ve written a python with selenium code to solve new behaviour captcha. But something is lacking
如何使用vb.net从验证码图像中提取文本 - How to Extraction Text from an captcha Image Using vb.net
2012年05月24 - Using vb.net how to extract text from captcha images 使用vb.net如何从验证码图像中提取文本
验证码重新加载和动画图标同步问题 - Captcha reloading and animated icon synchronization problem
2009年11月29 - I want to create a captcha in my website. I will try to describe how I want to do that. See
2013年02月22 - 用PHP写一个验证码类,并进行封装。 类名: nbsp validationcode.class.php 代码如下: lt php nbsp class ValidationCode nbsp pri
PrimeFaces Captcha没有在Chrome下显示 - PrimeFaces Captcha not showing under Chrome
2010年08月30 - My JSF web application uses PrimeFaces Captcha. It works properly under Firefox and IE, but it does
多少次在asp.net mvc的recaptcha中输入错误的单词 - how many times enter wrong words in recaptcha in asp.net mvc
2013年02月28 - I am using google ReCAPTCHA in my ASP.NET MVC Project, Now I want to count how many times a person e

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