花费 213ms 找到8条记录
1 如何将swift字符串转换为CFString - How to convert a swift String to CFString
2014年06月06 - How can i create a CFString from a native swift String or NSString in swift 如何用swift本地的swift字符串或NSString创建CFString let path:String
2 如何在Cocoa / Cocoa Touch / Foundation中定制CFString音译 - How to customize CFString transliteration in Cocoa / Cocoa Touch / Foundation
2016年06月07 - for CFMutableString, we see that CFStringTransform takes as the transform: parameter 从CFMutableString的引用中,我们可以看到CFStringTransform以transform:参数为转换 A CFString object
3 iphone: -[CFString release]:发送到deallocate实例的消息 - iphone: -[CFString release]: message sent to deallocated instance
2012年03月07 - : 2012-03-07 17:04:06.072 columns[15487:f803] *** -[CFString release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x68c8210 With XCODE4 jumping to: 与XCODE4跳: int
4 在给定编码的情况下获取Core Foundation字符串的计算长度 - Get a calculated length of a Core Foundation string given an encoding
2009年03月29 - Is there a way to get the length in bytes of a CFString given an arbitrary character encoding? It seems possible because the function
5 如何将NSString路径转换为CFURLRef(对于iOS 3.1)? - How to convert NSString path to CFURLRef (for iOS 3.1)?
2011年05月24 - I display a PDF in a UIScrollView. To do so I use: 我在UIScrollView中显示PDF。为此,我使用: myDocumentRef = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)[[NSBundle mainB
6 当使用kCFStringTransformToUnicodeName或NSStringTransformToUnicodeName时,额外的\N{…}。 - Extra \N{…} when using kCFStringTransformToUnicodeName or NSStringTrans
2015年10月30 - let string = "\u{00A0}" // no-break space let transformed = string.stringByApplyingTransform(NSStringTransformToUnicodeName, reverse: false) Expecte
7 CFStringRef版本在nil时给出错误的访问权限 - CFStringRef release gives bad access when it is nil
2015年12月24 - ABMultiValueRef phonesRef = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty); for (int i=0; i < ABMultiValueGetCount(phonesRef); i++) {
8 CFStringCreateWithCString返回null,字符串w/小于10个字符。 - CFStringCreateWithCString returns null for string w/ less than 10 characters
2017年04月21 - I'm trying to create a new CFStringRef from a const char* at runtime, but CFStringCreateWithCString returns null for all strings shorter than 10 chara

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