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从字符串和int创建散列 - Create hash from string and int
2009年07月30 - I remember eclipse and idea have this template to automatically create an object s hashCode based on

动态生成文档时报告文本对齐(来自代码) - Rave report text justification while generating the document dynamically (from
2013年11月20 - We generate a document using ravereports, Delphi. I have to print a paragraph in which some specific

在普通的C语言中使用类型安全的通用数据结构? - Type-safe generic data structures in plain-old C?
2010年06月15 - I have done far more C programming than plain old C programming. One thing I sorely miss when progra

你生成代码吗?如果是,您使用什么,生成什么? - Do you generate code? If so, what do you use and what do you generate?
2008年09月18 - I ve used MyGeneration, and I love it for generating code that uses Data Access Applicaiton Blocks f

自动生成抛出eclipse的存根方法 - Auto-generate stub methods that throw in eclipse
2009年07月07 - Similar to How to change Generate Method Stub to throw NotImplementedException in VS , but for Eclip

有没有办法从MS-Dataset XSD文件生成java类? - Is there a way to generate java classes from MS-Dataset XSD files?
2009年01月14 - Given a Dataset XSD file, is it possible to generate java classes, that don t make use of System.Dat

使用模式文件中的XSD.exe生成受保护的类 - Generating protected classes with XSD.exe from schema file
2011年08月15 - I m currently using XSD.exe to generate classes for my xsd schema file using the following command:

使用ASM生成对类开始的堆栈引用 - Pushing to stack reference to the class begin generated with ASM
2011年09月08 - I m using ASM Java library to generate a class from scratch. Inside one of the static methods of thi

如何用另一个函数初始化一个类函数? - How can I initialize a class function with another function?
2015年08月29 - I m trying to initialize an array of Fibonacci numbers so I can later use them in a tableview. Right

如何使用java / kotlin中的注释处理将方法附加到现有类? - How to append a method to existing class using annotation proces
2018年05月10 - I m new to annotation processing and code generation. I want to find out how can I perform such oper

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