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从另一个PHP脚本下载PHP生成页面的内容 - Download contents of the PHP generated page from another PHP script
2009年05月12 - with Content-Disposition:attachment or with simple echo, doesn't matter. I'll name this file www.something.com
如何从内容配置中获取文件名 - How to get file name from content-disposition
2016年12月02 - I Downloaded file as response of ajax. How to get file name and file type from content-disposition
内容 - 处置标题被发送两次...一次由代码发送另一个未知 - content-disposition header being sent twice…once by code the other
2011年11月15 - to the content-disposition header being sent twice but I have no idea how or why it's being set the first time. 我最终将问题的来源追溯到
内容处理:附件不触发下载对话框 - Content-Disposition:attachment not triggering download dialog
2014年11月04 - ('path / to / file')来触发下载。响应头包括 Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="indicators.csv" Content-Length
包含Django FileUpload的Content-disposition标头 - Include Content-disposition header for Django
2017年05月29 - = os.path.basename(f.name) headers = { 'content-disposition': 'attachment; filename={}'.format
HTTP响应头中内容处置的使用 - Uses of content-disposition in an HTTP response header
2009年06月18 - 以下asp.net代码在从数据库提供文件时非常有用: Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName
当使用内容配置附件和很长的文件名时,不能从IE打开文件 - Can't open file from IE when using content-disposition attachment
2014年08月26 - ")); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition
使用Javascript进行“内容处理”行为 - “Content-disposition”-like behavior with Javascript
2011年04月07 - "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=..." by using client-side javascript only? This implies the data
仅使用Javascript将textarea内容下载为文件(不使用服务器端) - Download textarea contents as a file using only Javascript
2009年03月04 - with Content-disposition: attachment slapped on. Is there a way to do this with just client-side Javascript? 现在
如何实现Content-Disposition:附件? - How to implement Content-Disposition: attachment?
2012年01月16 - to right click and save as, So in order to do that, I have to set the Content-Disposition: attachment.

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