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如何使用Cake脚本清除本地nuget包缓存 - How to clear the local nuget package cache using the Cake script 繁体
2017年03月03 - I need to clear the NuGet cached in my system. 我需要清除我系统中缓存的NuGet。 I can run the following command in

使用cruisecontrol.net + nant进行.NET自动构建 - 多种装配结构/最佳实践 - .NET automated build with cruisecontrol.net + n 繁体
2009年01月27 - I m doing some work with several shared .NET assemblies and a generic web application that I would l

CCNET构建报告中的异常行号混乱 - Exception line numbers are messed-up on CCNET build reports 繁体
2009年01月17 - We are having an integration server CruiseControl.NET building and validating a couple of .NET . lib

Coverage.py中的“没有代码源”消息 - “No source for code” message in Coverage.py 繁体
2010年03月05 - I ran a build last night, successfully. I got up this morning and ran another without changing any c

Windows Phone 8.1 App未构建在TravisCI服务器上 - Windows Phone 8.1 App is not building on TravisCI server 繁体
2015年05月05 - I m trying to get TravisCI to build my Windows Phone . App C project Hosted on Github 我正在尝试让TravisCI

添加django-bower后,Django测试CI失败 - Django tests failing on CI after adding django-bower 繁体
2015年03月09 - I have a Django project where I have a few frontend dependencies and so I tried adding django bower

Jasmine服务器上的Jasmine CI和捕获测试结果输出 - Jasmine CI and Capturing Test Result Output on Jenkins Server 繁体
2013年04月29 - Background: Have inherited a Ruby on Rails . .x project which is in need of some BDD and testing for

Rails本地资产:预编译 - 是否有自动检查更改的方法? - Rails local asset:precompile - is there an automated way to check fo 繁体
2015年03月05 - I ran into problems with asset pre compilation during deploys, so I opted to go for local pre compil

如何在CruiseControl.NET中显示目标任务时间? - How to display target task times in CruiseControl.NET? 繁体
2009年07月21 - I have a CruiseControl.NET configured project and would like to find out how long each task took to

持续集成:如何将构建与需求/任务/错误联系起来? - Continuous Integration: how do you tie back your builds to requirements/t 繁体
2008年10月27 - How do you answer the following questions from managers, testers and other people in your team: 您如何回

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