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如何在Crystal Report饼图中对切片进行分组? - How do I group slices in my Crystal Report pie chart?
2008年12月09 - I am trying to display a pie chart that shows sales by company. However there are a lot of companies
Crystal Reports--非常大的数据库,处理时间非常长 - Crystal Reports - very large database, very long processing time
2009年05月06 - I'm really at a loss as to how to procede. I have a very large database, and the table I'm accessing
Crystal Reports Summation Error:“The)缺失” - Crystal Reports Summation Error: “The ) is missing”
2009年07月26 - The following line in my crystal reports formula is giving the error: 我的水晶报告公式中的以下行给出了错误: NumberVar
在Web服务器上部署时,Crystal Report图标/工具栏无法正常工作 - Crystal Report icons/toolbar not working when deployed on w
2008年09月10 - I have built a web page which contains a Crystal Report built using the Crystal libraries included i
Crystal Reports交叉表,按数据库字段分组 - Crystal Reports Cross-Tab, Grouping by Database Field
2012年09月10 - Currently I have a cross tab in my report, reading all of the products in I wish to display. They ar
从Visual Studio 2008中的Crystal Report Viewer中删除边框/背景 - Removing border/background from Crystal Report
2008年10月06 - Can someone please explain how to remove the background/borders off an embedded CrystalReportViewer
基于列的交叉标签条件格式 - cross-tab conditional formatting based on column
2013年07月22 - I have a cross-tab in crystal reports with column representing transport line, rows showing dates an
在Crystal Reports XI中抑制后移动字段 - Shifting Fields Up After Suppressing in Crystal Reports XI
2009年02月04 - Does anyone have any ideas how to shift up the remaining fields after suppressing? I am suppressing
Crystal报告,在表格中选择最新的组表 - Crystal reports, selecting latest apearence of group in table
2017年10月10 - I am new in this Crystal Reports thing and I have problem, since my coworker usually doing this stuf
我在哪里可以下载Crystal Reports for .NET的免费开发人员版本/版本/包? - Where can I download the free developer version/ed
2009年04月08 - I'm looking for version 11 if possible, but cannot find it. I have the older version that comes with

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