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1 在Django模板中使用字典格式化翻译字符串的好方法? - A good way to use dictionary to format translated strings in Django templates?
2013年01月16 - I'm using Django 1.3, so I can't use key-value arguments for custom tags. I know about filter formatstring, but it can't use key-value arguments, anyw
2 整个Django项目的空白label_suffix - Blank label_suffix across entire Django project
2012年07月24 - I'd like to eliminate the colon (:) that is automatically added to form labels across my entire Django project. I'd like to avoid adding label_suffix=
3 如何过滤模板标签? - How to filter a template tag?
2010年08月10 - I've got a tag that looks like this: 我有一个看起来像这样的标签: {% partial "partials/vehicleform.html" vehicle=vehicles.empty_form %} Which just renders an emp
4 从Django模板中的URL访问kwargs - Access kwargs from a URL in a Django template
2017年07月14 - Can I access value of a named argument (from the URL) in a Django template? 我可以在Django模板中访问命名参数的值(来自URL)吗? Like can I access the value of this_name b
5 Django:一个简单形式的问题 - Django: issue with a simple form
2012年06月01 - I'm new at django and I'm having problems with a simple form POST.I have a ModelForm in forms.py and when user enters information in html, views.py ta
6 在django的管理界面中添加换行符和头部 - adding line breaks and headers in django's admin interface
2013年10月13 - EDIT: If you are going to give a downvote, at least explain why -.- Also, read comments if my post is still unclear. I tried to explain it a bit more
7 我想要一个例外,如果django模板标签`static`呈现一个损坏的URL - I want an exception, if django template tag `static` renders a broken URL
2016年01月29 - I want to see an exception, if settings.DEBUG is true and line like this gets processed by the template engine: 我希望看到一个例外,如果settings.DEBUG为true,那么这样的行
8 Django查询集选择多列并在模板中获取实例对象 - Django query set select multiple columns and get instance object in template
2015年11月09 - I have the following code to get selected columns in Django 我有以下代码来获取Django中的选定列 >>> l = Listing.objects.values("id", "City")[:10] >>
9 如何在一个页面中处理两个视图的多个Django表单? - Proper way to handle multiple Django forms in one page with two views?
2014年07月31 - I've struggled with this problem for the last two days and could use some help. The home page for my Django 1.6 application will include two forms, on
10 Django url参数和反向URL - Django url parameter and reverse URL
2012年12月18 - I have a view that looks like this: 我有一个看起来像这样的观点: def selectCity(request, the_city): request.session["ciudad"] = the_city city = request.ses

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