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symfony2 Doctrine删除一个对象数组 - symfony2 Doctrine delete an array of objects 繁体
2014年02月10 - I would like to delete all the records from database matching a particular user id in Symfony . 我想从数

16天记住7000考研单词 繁体
2007年03月26 - 来自于http: blog.oeeee.com szchengcai category .html 天记住 考研单词 第一天 Tag: With my own ears I clearly heard

如何用我的修改来更新我的symfony模块? - How do I update my symfony module with my changes only? 繁体
2011年02月03 - I have a very big problem with symfony module generation as i always make modification in my databas

Doctrine生成的模型可以有前缀吗? - Can Doctrine generated models have a prefix? 繁体
2009年06月01 - Is there an option in Doctrine that would specify a prefix for any classes generated by doctrine

Symfony和Doctrine DQL查询构建器:如果条件检查,如何在其中使用多个setParameters ? - Symfony and Doctrine DQL query builder 繁体
2016年05月19 - Using Symfony and Doctrine with the DQL query builder, I need to optionally add some WHERE

PHP / Doctrine ORM与同一个类的多个“一对一”关系 - PHP / Doctrine ORM multiple 'one-to-one' relations to the same 繁体
2009年11月16 - Just working on a project where I have a class called Product and a class called Image . Each produc

将大数组(对象图)转换为必要的较小数组 - Transform big array (graph of objects) to the necessary smaller array 繁体
2015年11月10 - I have an entity Follow that handles a manyToMany relationship between User entity instances. Column

你必须理解的三大软件原则3_YAGNI 繁体
2012年10月16 - 正文 原文标题: Key Software Principles You Must Understand nbsp 原作者信息: 年 月 日Chris Peters 原文地址:http: net.tu

Symfony2 - 实体和检索信息之间的语义错误关系 - Symfony2 - Semantical Error Relation between Entity and retrieve info 繁体
2011年12月01 - I want to make 我要实现 but I have this kind of error: 但我有这种错误: Semantical Error line , col near Pe : Er

Doctrine阻止连接表中的自引用组合 - Doctrine prevent combinations of self referencing in join table 繁体
2017年08月03 - I want to create entity Room, which contains conversations between two users, and extra unique field

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