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1 ruby的collect或者map
2012年08月01 - ids = @pages.collect { |p| p.id }.join(',') ids类似: 23,32,53,64,155 取出所有符合条件的 id 说明:each——连续访问集合的所有元素collect—-从集合中获得各个元素传递给block,block返回的结果生成
2 可以睡眠的poll
2010年02月09 - ) for each fd to poll ask driver if I/O can happen add current process to driver wait queue if one or more fds are ready break schedule_timeout_range
3 能否在表的触发器中当一记录变化修改另一记录
2005年03月29 - SQL> create or replace trigger addnum 2 before update on test1.test1 3 for each row 4 begin 5 update test1 set group1=(:new.group1+1
4 PKU 2337 判断并输出欧拉回路
2010年09月14 - such that each adjacent pair of words forms a catenym. For example, aloha.aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger Given a dictionary of lower case words, you
5 DFA 和 NFA 的区别
2008年06月05 - : 1. Deterministic finite automate : Each state of an automaton of this kind has a transition for every symbol in the alphabet. 2.
6 HDU 1540(线段树,以一点扩展开的最大连续区间)
2010年08月05 - the number of villages and events. Each of the next m lines describes an event. There are three different events described in different format shown below
7 algorithm 非修改性序列操作源码
2007年02月20 - template<class _II, class _Fn> inline _Fn for_each(_II _F, _II _L, _Fn _Op) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Op(*_F); return (_Op
8 指针在函数间传递实质
2009年03月20 - 中修改无效,返回消失,还是原来的地址 printf("changeaddr=%bd/n",testchr); while (1) { P1 ^= 0x01; /* Toggle P1.0 each time we print */ }}
9 poj 1980 Unit Fraction Partition 分数划分,将分数分解为n个真分数之和,分母乘积不超过a
2011年02月24 - by a space. It is not a part of the input data but a mark for the end of the input. Output The output should be composed of lines each of which
10 hdu 4143 A Simple Problem y^2 = n +x^2
2012年08月14 - followed each containing an integer n (1<=n <= 10^9). Output For each integer n, please print output the x

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