2002年10月10 - Private nbsp Sub nbsp Command Click Dim nbsp i nbsp As nbsp String i nbsp nbsp InputBox value , nbsp input 此处输入的i为一个函数名称,如何让它执行呢 eval nbsp i End nbsp Sub Public nbsp Sub nbsp aa nbsp MsgBox nbsp aa ,
2009年07月02 - Given that EVAL is Evil how do I create an Array name dynamically: 鉴于EVAL是Evil,我如何动态创建一个数组名称: I have a bunch of Arrays and I need to reference different ones depending on what the user clicks. 我有一堆数组,
2012年07月05 - Okay, so I know that using eval isn t great, but I haven t been able to come up with a better solution to my problem, and until recently, there wasn t a performance reason not to use it. However, I am