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如何使用UICollectionViewLayout以编程方式在UICollectionView上添加标头 - How to programmatically add header on UIColl
2014年04月01 - I have a UICollectionView in one of my viewcontroller. My collection view uses a subclass of UIColle
向viewcontrollers默认视图添加许多子视图会使我的应用程序变慢吗? - Does adding many many subviews to a viewcontrollers defaul
2008年10月31 - I have an app where I create many uiviews and add them to the self.view of the UIViewController. My
是否可以在iPhone的设置中检测Facebook登录状态? - Is it possible to detect facebook log in status in iphone's
2012年11月02 - I want to detect that user already log in facebook in iphone's settings? I am using Facebook ios
我的iPhone应用程序在模拟器中运行良好但在设备(iPod touch 3.1.2)测试中崩溃,我收到以下错误 - My iPhone app ran fine in simulator
2010年03月19 - I was running myapp on an iPod touch and I noticed it missed some libraries. Is that the reason? 我在i
XCode——多个目标,多个国际化的*名称? - XCode - Multiple targets, Multiple *internationalized* names?
2009年11月27 - I've got an internationalized iPhone project. In the various ${lang}.lproj/InfoPlist.strings files
从UITextField检索整数值到NSInteger变量 - retrieving integer value from the UITextField into a NSInteger varia
2009年05月20 - UITextField *textField; NSInteger intRollNumber; I want to take rollNumber as input from the textF
2008年11月29 - 。MediaCoder还为iPhone、iPod touch和PSP提供特殊设备接口。  HandBrake (所有平台)  HandBrake是一个颇受欢迎的开放源码媒体转换器,可以将DVD视频编码转换为多种流行的输出
iPhone中的通知弹出重定向 - Notification pop-up redirection in iPhone
2011年09月05 - I have this normal code for notification alert: 我有这个通知警报的正常代码: - (void)saveNotification { Class cls
如何找到前20个访问过的项目来添加它们的最爱 - how to found top 20 visited items to add them ad favorites
2011年12月20 - Im Using core data. in that i was worked on recently visited items as follows. 我正在使用核心数据。因为我在最近访问过的项
2014年03月06 - 通常在IPhone里用网络访问会用到NSURLConnection来做url链接请求,下面简单介绍一下:1、同步请求 NSURL *url=[[NSURL alloc

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