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有没有可能用X(红色的X)关闭Java中的JFrame,而不关闭整个程序? - Is it possible to close a JFrame in Java with X ( red x
2015年02月26 - Is it possible to close a JFrame in Java with X red x right and up and don t close the whole
如何让JFrame真正全屏? - How to make a JFrame really fullscreen?
2012年04月07 - In my Java application I try to make a JFrame really fullscreen by using this code: 在我的Java应用程序中
对jlabel和Jframe有问题。 - Having problems with JLabels and Jframe
2012年03月13 - So I have to make a program where the user would enter how many of each meal they ordered for breakf
使用JFrame和Canvas时,背景显示为黑色而非青色 - Background appears black not cyan when using JFrame and Canvas
2011年07月13 - Hello I am making a program that creates a multi flashing block on a cyan background in Java. I am u
jpanel, jframe和Windows,哦,天哪! - JPanels, JFrames, and Windows, Oh my!
2009年11月05 - Simply stated, I am trying to make a game I am working on full screen. 简单地说,我正在尝试制作一个全屏幕游戏。 I have t
在我的文本区域中,滚动条似乎不可见或有效 - In my text area the scrollbars do not appear to be visible or working
2016年03月09 - So I have a simple text editor and at the moment most of its features are working, however adding sc
添加组件后,JFrame会丢失透明度特征 - JFrame loses transparency trait once components added
2017年07月01 - I want to make an overlay window that has a transparent frame with non transparent children. I was s
如何在完整的jframe窗口上制作jtable - How to make jtable on full jframe window
2014年03月08 - is this that i want to create that jtable on full jframe window how can i do this here is my code given
从swing程序中获得意外的输出 - Getting unexpected output from the swing program
2012年08月08 - In the following code why i m getting an invisible window What does do and where it is used for. 在下面
单击Jbutton后如何显示/隐藏附加到Jlabel的图像? - How to show/hide an image attached to a Jlabel after a Jbutton is c
2015年05月04 - I m new to programming world, and I need some help. I will try to be as clear as possible. 我是编程世界的新手

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