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1 laravel处理ajax的post提交
2018年04月05 - Html页面(laravel表单提交必须token)所以 头部要加入: <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}"> 在通过js,传递token <script>
2 字符串到值比较优化MySQL查询 - String to Value compare Optimizing MySQL Query
2013年02月10 - My problem is the following: I have two arrays $first and $second of the same length, containing strings. Every string is given a positive value in a
3 {{HTML :: image}}在Laravel中设置宽度和高度 - {{HTML::image}} set width and height in Laravel
2014年03月22 - Sorry for the stupid question, but I looked everywhere in the doc. If I want to set size, height and width of an image with HTML::image, how can I do
4 覆盖Laravel控制器中的特征方法 - Overriding a trait method in Laravel controller
2016年06月10 - I cannot override a method of a trait in my Controller class. Here is an example of my trait method: 我无法在Controller类中覆盖特征的方法。这是我的特质方法的一个例子: protected
5 如何访问Carbon对象类型? - How to access Carbon object type?
2013年08月22 - Given the following code: 给出以下代码: $recordSets = Model::find(1)->get(); foreach ($recordSets as $recordSet) { dd($recordSet['created_at']); }
6 如何从laravel 5.1中的数据库表的created_at属性中选择年份和月份? - How to select year and month from the created_at attributes of database table in laravel 5.1?
2015年09月29 - My problem is that I want to get data form the database table from the created_at attributes as per year and month only. The code I have tried is: 我的问
7 Ubuntu14.04通过composer下载Laravel
2017年04月15 - ,你就能在全局访问它。 在类Unix系统中,你甚至可以在使用时不加 php 前缀: mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer 二、通过composer来创建laravel项目 修改当前项目的 composer.json 配置文件(改为国内镜像) composer
8 laravel实现于语言包的完美切换
2017年08月23 - 需要引入: use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; 前言: App::getLocale();获取当前语言 App::setLocale();设置语言配置文件 语言配置文件c
9 laravel4中设置现场 - Set locale on the fly in laravel4
2013年11月28 - on the fly? and to remember this with a cookie or something? 但是我如何将它与网站上的语言切换器结合使用呢?比如访问者可以点击它来动态地改变语言。用饼干之类的东西记住这个? It seems that in laravel 3 it was much
10 至少需要一个字母字符 - Require at least one alpha character
2016年02月22 - We have a login form that allows you to enter in your user_id or your player_tag. We have a model with the following rules: 我们有一个登录表单,允​​许您输入user_id或p

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