2011年01月03 - I want to load a XIB from a CFBundle, via some code in a Static Library.
MyViewController * foo = [[Static
2016年11月19 - do I translate this line?
NSString *folder = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"myfolder"];
I managed
2016年07月15 - :App / Resources / Videos /
When I try to get the path with:
NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("myFile", ofType: "mp4", inDirectory
2011年11月26 - I have an info dictionary that contains user data. Currently, it is written to an xml file in the same directory as the app. However, I'm pretty certa
2013年10月11 - I am trying to write an iOS app using TDD and the new XCTest framework. One of my methods retrieves a file from the internet (given a NSURL object) an