花费 309ms 找到128条记录
1 如何获得远程文件最后修改日期 - How to get Remote File Last-Modification Date
2011年08月01 - I need to get the file modification date of a remote file. 我需要得到一个远程文件的文件修改日期。 Obviously, attributes in this example returns NULL: 显然,本例中的属性返回NULL:
2 如何找到文件的创建日期? - iOS: How do you find the creation date of a file?
2010年01月21 - of a file, though modified date is. 创建日期似乎不属于文件的属性,尽管修改日期是。 I'm using this code.. 我用这段代码. . NSFileManager* fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSString
3 NSFileManager contentsEqualAtPath:andPath:比较校验和数据 - NSFileManager contentsEqualAtPath:andPath: compare checksum data
2010年10月05 - Does the NSFileManager method contentsEqualAtPath:andPath: create a dynamic checksum to compare two files, does it open the file header and compare
4 如何在iPhone中使用ZipArchive压缩文件夹? - How to zip a folder using ZipArchive in iphone?
2013年05月07 - I have a folder in the documents directory that needs to be zipped.I was able to zip regular files but i was not able to zip folders. 我在文件目录中有一个文件夹需要压
5 有没有办法在iOS模拟器上看到文件系统? - Is there any way to see the file system on the iOS simulator?
2011年06月25 - Is there any way to browse the file system of a currently running or just killed iOS simulator? I'd settle for being able to see a specific app's file
6 Swift - 将图像保存并检索到tmp文件夹 - Swift - Saving and retrieving images to the tmp-folder
2015年01月11 - I want to save and then later retrieve the images I'm saving to my tmp folder, this is my first time using the file-system so please bear with me if I
7 iOS - FileManager扩展的最佳实践 - iOS - Best practices for FileManager extensions
2017年01月13 - I created this FileManager extension. With this extension, I want to create a file hierarchy like so: 我创建了这个FileManager扩展。有了这个扩展,我想创建一个像这样的文件层次结构:
8 无法通过XCode创建文件://localhost/user /admin/Desktop/ "。 - Cannot create a file by this path “file://localhost/users/admin/Desktop/” by XCode
2014年06月05 - : file://localhost/Users/admin/Desktop However I use NSFileManager to createFileAtPath, nothing happens. If I change the path to /Users/admin/Desktop
9 如何检查文件夹是否为空,并将文件夹中的文件名实例化为NSStrings? (iphone可可) - How to check if folder is empty, and instantiate file names inside the folder into NSStrings? (iphon
2011年09月08 - of a class called NSFileManager, but I'm not sure how to apply it to suit my objective. 只是想知道,我如何检查特定文件夹是否正在保存文件,并将文件夹中的文件名实例化为NSStrings?我知道一个名为NSFileManager的类
10 如何在复制时覆盖NSFileManager文件? - How to overwrite a file with NSFileManager when copying?
2011年05月26 - I'm using this method to copy a file: 我用这种方法复制一个文件: [fileManager copyItemAtPath:sourcePath toPath:targetPath error:&error]; I want to overwrite

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