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2012年05月23 - In PHP we normally do coding without considering what the server is capable of. Now a days even PCs
2010年05月30 - 懒加载 Debugging 调试 logging, tracing, profiling and monitoring 记录跟踪 优化 校准 Performance optimization 性能
django多对多字段:只预取主键 - django many-to-many field: prefetch primary keys only
2012年04月23 - I'm trying to optimize database queries for a Django app. Here's a simplified example: 我正在尝试优化Django

2010年01月25 - I've seen answers here for specific languages, about switches with more than 5 cases being optimized
2012年05月12 - ,并将整个路径上所有外界矩形的优化结果合并起来考虑。 (原文是incorporates a combined optimization of area, margin and overlap
2010年07月13 - on processor. Operating systems try to make bestuse of limited number of TLB resources. This optimization
把一个数分成整数和小数的最有效的方法 - Most efficient way of splitting a number into whole and decimal parts
2013年07月05 - I am trying to split a double into its whole and fraction parts. My code works, but it is much too s
如何在DrScheme中实现Tail Call Optimization? - How is Tail Call Optimization implemented in DrScheme?
2008年12月05 - I've heard that trampolining is an ineffective way of implementing TCO. How does DrScheme (PLAI Sche
连接包含历史数据的多个表 - Joining multiple tables containing historical data
2012年12月07 - I have multiple tables containing historical data, so there is not a 1 to 1 relation between id. 我有多
用于监控MySQL性能的任何开源软件? - Any open source software for monitoring MySQL performance?
2011年03月01 - I'm working on improving the performance of a MySQL server. I'm looking for something to monitor the

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