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1 在pl / pgsql中的表中插入一行 - insert a row into table in pl/pgsql
2013年10月27 - I am trying to update two tables by inserting some rows into the other. But when I try to do something like this : 我试图通过在另一个中插入一些行来更新两个表。但是当我尝试做这样的事情
2 更新以特定字符串开头的多个列 - Update multiple columns that start with a specific string
2013年05月02 - I am trying to update a bunch of columns in a DB for testing purposes of a feature. I have a table that is built with hibernate so all of the columns
3 当设置变量时,记录的非空测试是否返回TRUE - IS NOT NULL test for a record does not return TRUE when variable is set
2014年02月13 - Using a plpgsql procedure to extract a record if it exists, and then if it does, do something with it. 使用plpgsql过程来提取一个记录,如果它存在的话,然后如果它确实存在,那么就用它来做一些
4 如何在触发函数中将OLD,NEW和标识符传递给EXECUTE? - How to pass OLD, NEW and identifiers to EXECUTE in a trigger function?
5 动态构建变量并在plpgsql函数的查询中使用它 - Dynamically build a variable and use it in a query in a plpgsql function
2017年06月12 - I have a function in a Postgres 9.6 DB where I want to dynamically set the month to be cumulative based on the input received. 我在Postgres 9.6 DB中有一个函数
6 在postgresql函数中查询变量 - Put Variable on query in postgresql function
2017年12月12 - IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE; How can I inject variable index_hour in my SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Visits ... 如何在SELECT COUNT(*)FROM Visits
7 PL / pgSQL检查是否存在行 - PL/pgSQL checking if a row exists
2012年08月09 - ; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Update - I'm doing something like this for now: 更新 - 我现在正在做这样的事情: DECLARE person_exists integer; BEGIN person_exists := 0; SELECT
8 如何启用PostgreSQL函数分析器? - How do I enable the PostgreSQL function profiler?
2009年01月09 - This took me a while to figure out and I found the answer on a foreign-language wiki a number of weeks ago, and it was very helpful, so I thought I wo
9 我可以作为自定义用户/角色连接到postgresql db吗? - Can I connect as a custom user/role to postgresql db?
2017年04月29 - I created a user/role in postgres db and set default search_path to a specific schema. Now what I am trying to achieve is connect to the database usin
10 我可以在PostgreSQL中的异常中使用参数化SQLSTATE - Can I have parametrized SQLSTATE in exceptions in PostgreSQL
2013年11月11 - I tend to write my PostgreSQL functions in a way that I always have default exception handler, that adds function name to the exception thrown and re-

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