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无法在Windows上的JRuby 1.6.4中启动单元测试 - 没有这样的文件可以加载 - rake - Unable to launch unit tests in JRuby 1.6.4
2012年01月25 - 上安装了JRuby 1.6.4 - 这两种环境都遇到了同样的问题。 When I issue the "rake test" command the output is as follows: 当我发出
rake db:test:准备不创建所有表 - rake db:test:prepare not creating all tables
2011年05月03 - NOTE: Using Rails 3.0.7, Postgresql 8.4.4-1, rake 0.8.7. 注意:使用Rails 3.0.7,Postgresql 8.4.4-1,rake
使用rspec-spies have_received匹配器 - Using rspec-spies `have_received` matcher
2013年04月28 - simple rake task: 看看这篇博文,我正在尝试建立使用matcher对象的能力。应该已经收到(:动作).with(*params),似乎无法得到它。为了打破常规,我写了一个非常简单的rake任务
db:schema:load vs db:用capistrano迁移 - db:schema:load vs db:migrate with capistrano
2009年08月25 - and it seems to be defaulting to rake db:migrate instead. Is there a way to change this or is capistrano using
为什么在Rails应用程序中默认的rake任务运行spec ? - Why does default rake task run specs in Rails app?
2015年03月05 - I have one app that runs the specs with just rake, but don't know where or how this task
如何将独立的Python脚本集成到Rails应用程序中? - How to integrate a standalone Python script into a Rails application?
2013年04月30 - to go about it? Can rake run exec Python? More importantly, is this doable on heroku? 最好的办法是什么?rake能运行
在RSpec中多次运行Rake任务返回nil? - Running Rake tasks in RSpec multiple times returns nil?
2015年09月03 - I'm guessing this has to do with Rake reading the file once and not rewinding it? But, I'm
使用rake与非ruby项目 - Using rake with a non-ruby project
2009年01月02 - A workmate floated the idea of using rake as a build system for a non-ruby project. Is it possible
如何在rake任务中使用“get”? - How do I use “gets” on a rake task?
2009年02月23 - I get an error whenever I try to use the function gets within a rake task. Is there a way to make
部署rake任务,就像它是一个公共脚本一样。 - deploy rake task as if it were a common script
2010年02月07 - I like the rake task structure and rake utilities.. I want to create a script that can do many

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