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1 使用Active Record查询json数组(Rails 4 / postgresql9.4) - Query an array of json with Active Record (Rails 4/postgresql9.4)
2015年07月16 - I have Deal model who has an attribute called 'info' with this structure: 我的交易模型有一个名为'info'的属性,具有以下结构: Inside the column 'info' on Deal: 交易中的'info'栏
2 如何在后台启动脚本并记录到特定文件并完全从ruby中分离? - How to start a script in background with logging to a specific file and completely detaching from ruby?
2017年11月21 - I have some ruby code (a sidekiq job) which looks like this: 我有一些ruby代码(sidekiq工作),看起来像这样: module WorkerJobs class MyJob < SidekiqWorker de
3 Ruby on Rails接收内部服务器错误:param的预期数组(获取字符串) - Ruby on Rails receiving Internal Server Error: expected Array (got String) for param
2014年04月24 - I have a loop in a form and I'm trying to create multiple data with same name but I'm getting an error with my syntax. 我有一个表单中的循环,我正在尝试创建具有相同名称的多个数据,但
4 如何在RubyMine上向外部库添加gem? - How do I add gems to my external libraries on RubyMine?
2011年11月03 - I have a number of gems in my external libraries on Rubymine, but not all of the gems that I have installed through my gemfile and gem install have sh
5 未定义方法' scard'为nil:NilClass。 - undefined method `scard' for nil:NilClass
2015年04月22 - app/models/user.rb:51:in `cart_count' app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb:24:in `block in _app_views_layouts__header_html_erb__3312865121531214569_
6 如何保存未选中的复选框 - How to save uncheked check boxes
2013年09月17 - how i get to save unchecked chekboxes on rails? 我如何在铁轨上保存未经检查的chekboxes? I researched some links, but i as unable to find a working solution for me.
7 在rails中加入YUI 3 - Incorporation of YUI 3 in rails
2012年02月21 - I was wondering if any effort has been made towards integration of YUI3 with rails asset pipeline. 我想知道YUI3与rails资产管道的集成是否做了任何努力。 By integration, I
8 第一代后修改设计模块 - Modifying devise modules after first generation
2010年09月29 - I'm in the process of learning rails. I've found Devise to be great with getting authentication up and running quickly and seamlessly but I do have on
9 如何在create上关联现有的嵌套资源? - How can I associate an existing nested resource on create?
2014年05月06 - I have this model: 我有这个型号: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :product_images, dependent: :destroy, autosave: true accepts_nested_at
10 如果字段为空,则使用jquery ujs阻止表单提交 - Preventing a form submission with jquery ujs if the field is empty
2011年08月09 - I have a form that submits with data-remote => true. 我有一个提交data-remote => true的表单。 The form has one field, a textarea. I want to prevent submis

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