花费 47ms 找到33239条记录
1 临时更改Rake中的当前目录。 - Temporarily change current directory in Rake
2013年05月14 - I would like to run multiple commands need to be (or is easier to be) in another directory, then once they're done, return back to the previous workin
2 我怎样才能阻止独立的乘客? - How can I stop phusion passenger standalone?
2012年07月25 - I don't know how to stop phusion passenger standalone. I have 2 instances running one at port 8000 and other at 8001. Can anybody give me idea how can
3 Ruby中的字符串中删除最后2个字符? - Remove the last 2 characters from a string in Ruby?
2009年09月08 - I'm collecting all my user's email addresses for a mass mailing like this: 我正在收集所有用户的电子邮件地址,如下所示: def self.all_email_addresses output = '' User.a
4 绘制模型和Controller之间的界限 - Drawing the line between the model and the Controller
2010年03月02 - I'm building this restful application using RoR, and am finding it a bit difficult to draw a line between things that should go on the model, and thin
5 如何在Rails 4中清除原始SQL - How to sanitize raw SQL in Rails 4
2015年12月21 - In Rails 3 I could use sanitize_sql_array to sanitize raw SQL for those occassional moments where a raw SQL query is needed. But this appears to have
6 输入'rails console'无法启动? - typing 'rails console' doesn't start?
2010年09月19 - I typed this: 我输入了这个: >rails console and got this: 得到了这个: Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] Options: [--skip-gemfile] # Don't
7 红宝石强烈还是弱类型? - Is ruby strongly or weakly typed?
2009年02月06 - Is ruby strongly or weakly typed ? 红宝石强烈还是弱类型? Presumably the same is true for Javascript. 据推测,Javascript也是如此。
8 如何检查输入字符串? - How can I check my input string?
2011年06月20 - Here is my code: 这是我的代码: loop do print "Input word: " word = gets.chomp if word.nil? or word.empty? puts "Nothing to input." else if
9 安装cocoapods遇到的一些坑(ERROR: Error installing cocoapods: activesupport requires Ruby version >= 2.2.2)
2016年08月23 - 主要由于本机的Ruby环境版本过低2.2.2pa896 之类的坑。。【转】解决方法 :(原文链接:http://blog.csdn.net/fairytale_1/article/details/51850734#)1.移除现有的Ruby$gem sources --remove https
10 Emacs在运行编译命令时忽略了我的路径 - Emacs is ignoring my path when it runs a compile command
2010年02月15 - I'm trying to get a compile command (rake cucumber) to run with a specific ruby version on my Mac OS X system, I use rvm to do this currently

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