2011年02月23 - I'm trying to set up a Json Store for an ExtJs Calendar. The store uses a Http Proxy to retrieve it's data. The stores fields include startDate and en
2011年05月04 - I found out that some classes use the [Serializable] attribute.
What is it?
When should I use it?
2013年11月18 - I'm trying to store a Hash of arrays using Rails 4 and Hstore (Postgres 9.2) for when users submit a form with a bunch of checkboxes. The problem I'm
2014年01月03 - I'm using JSON.NET and had some troubles in the past during WEBAPI objects deserialization. After doing some research I've found that the class was ma
2016年05月12 - I am running into a strange problem with serializing data with json.net. Mainly, I am trying to rename the 'Key' and 'Value' names in the outgoing jso
2012年03月28 - error", ex);}return object;}}参考:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3140563/how-to-avoid-null-values-serialization-in-hashmapI would like to serialize
2011年02月15 - ) and I think I'm perhaps simply missing a particular tag that I don't know about (and I'm sure I've got superfluous tags).