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1 .NET DateTime序列化为JSON以用于ExtJs JsonStore(ExtJs Calendar的事件存储)? - .NET DateTime serialised to JSON for use in ExtJs JsonStore(event store for ExtJs Cale
2011年02月23 - I'm trying to set up a Json Store for an ExtJs Calendar. The store uses a Http Proxy to retrieve it's data. The stores fields include startDate and en
2 什么是[Serializable],我应该在什么时候使用它? - What is [Serializable] and when should I use it?
2011年05月04 - I found out that some classes use the [Serializable] attribute. 我发现有些类使用[Serializable]属性。 What is it? 它是什么? When should I use it? 我应该什么时候使用它
3 Rails 4 Hstore,数组转义引号 - Rails 4 Hstore, array escaped quotes
2013年11月18 - I'm trying to store a Hash of arrays using Rails 4 and Hstore (Postgres 9.2) for when users submit a form with a bunch of checkboxes. The problem I'm
4 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts
2006年07月27 - 5.8.3 XML Representation 5.8.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties 5.9 Serialization Format of Instance Data 5.9.1
5 使JSON.NET和Serializable属性协同工作 - Make JSON.NET and Serializable attribute work together
2014年01月03 - I'm using JSON.NET and had some troubles in the past during WEBAPI objects deserialization. After doing some research I've found that the class was ma
6 cmap用法,很详细(转)
2010年07月27 - ,释放myMap占用的内存空间。 CMap对应IMPLEMENT_SERIAL,从而支持用户对其元素进行串行化(Serialization)以及倾注(Dumping)操作。在 对CMap的独立元素进行倾注操作时,应该注意的是,你必须将倾注环境(Dump Context)的深度设置为1或者更大
7 使用JSON.NET序列化复杂词典时,更改“键”和“值”的名称 - Change Name of 'Key' and 'Value' when using JSON.NET to serialize complex Dictionary
2016年05月12 - I am running into a strange problem with serializing data with json.net. Mainly, I am trying to rename the 'Key' and 'Value' names in the outgoing jso
8 jackson:SerializationConfig.Feature 的枚举常量 WRITE_NULL_MAP_VALUES
2012年03月28 - error", ex);}return object;}}参考:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3140563/how-to-avoid-null-values-serialization-in-hashmapI would like to serialize
9 我需要知道如何将特定的XML反序列化为c#中自定义类中定义的对象 - I need to know how to deserialize a specific XML into objects defined in a custom class in C#
2010年12月01 - Given the following XML: 鉴于以下XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <userAttributeList> <attribute> <
10 如何将C#反序列化与层次结构类结构一起使用 - How Do I use C# deserialization with a hierarchichal class structure
2011年02月15 - ) and I think I'm perhaps simply missing a particular tag that I don't know about (and I'm sure I've got superfluous tags). 我想使用c#Serialization(我知道我可以使

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