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我可以将socket.io事件侦听器分成不同的模块吗? - Can I separate socket.io event listeners into different modules?
2014年07月17 - I m handling over different socket events, I d like to manage certain socket.io events within the mo
Unix域套接字如何区分多个客户端? - How do Unix Domain Sockets differentiate between multiple clients?
2012年03月10 - TCP has the tuple pairs IP Addr port type to tell one client from another. UDP passes the client IP
TCP服务器似乎不能在LWIP+FreeRTOS中工作 - TCP server seems not working in LWIP+FreeRTOS
2014年07月26 - I have developed a tcp server in my one embedded device using lwip freeRTOS. Now this is the flow ho
端口没有被占用却提示Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat
2017年12月06 - 问题描述,突然某一天,用eclipse启动tomcat的时候,弹出窗口提示: Several ports , , required by Tomcat v . Server at localhost
是否可以从套接字“splice()”到具有“零拷贝”的缓冲区? - Is it possible to `splice()` from a socket to a buffer with “zero-
2014年12月09 - Is it possible to from a socket to a buffer with zero copy If yes, how 是否可以用 零拷贝 将 从套接字连接到缓冲区 如果是,如何
Node.JS事件发射器 - 内部调用方法 - Node.JS Event Emitter - Call On Method Internally
2013年09月11 - I am writing a program for my beaglebone black to control certain aspects of beer brewing process vi
Unix域流套接字中数据缓冲区的大小 - Size of the data buffer in Unix Domain stream socket
2014年08月20 - I have a client and a server implemented using Unix domain socket. 我有一个使用Unix域套接字实现的客户端和服务器。 I want
Linux UDP接收缓冲区的最大大小 - Linux UDP max size of receive buffer
2013年05月09 - What s the maximum size of Linux UDP receive buffer I thought it s limited only by available RAM, bu
setfilecompletionnotificationmode()会破坏我的事件循环,您的呢? - SetFileCompletionNotificationModes() disrupts my
2014年03月27 - The new Windows API with the flag FILE SKIP COMPLETION PORT ON SUCCESS is very useful to optimize an
将linux C代码移植到windows - Porting linux C code to windows
2014年02月04 - I m very blocked because I would like to porting a C code running in Linux to windows and I don t kn

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