2009年03月26 - I don't know if it's possible to do this, but I would like the /NODEFAULTLIB to be applied to a static library project.
我不知道是否可以这样做,但我希望将/ NODEFAULTLI
2014年09月30 - I am confused by this command. The man page http://linux.die.net/man/1/ld says it "emulates the emulation linker. You can list the available emulation
2009年05月10 - I'm trying to link to a static library on OS X. I used the -static flag in the gcc command but I get the following error message:
我正在尝试链接到OS X上的静态库。我在
2011年01月03 - I want to load a XIB from a CFBundle, via some code in a Static Library.
MyViewController * foo = [[Static
2010年05月31 - I'm trying to compile a static library to use on Android but I can't figure out how to compile it. The library uses standard libraries (stdio.h etc...
2012年09月02 - I know an .so file is a kind of dynamic library (lots of threads can share such libraries so there is no need to have more than one copy of it in memo
2016年12月06 - I'm just trying to figure it out, why Fedora has not the static library libm.a, and if it is a fact, which i should use? As mentioned here in StackOve
2015年04月17 - I'm working on a small C project that uses curl and miniz. Curl is installed as a shared library and Miniz is inside ./miniz_folder/
2016年03月22 - I have a swift base project iPhone app. I would like to use Zoiper SDK within it. What I got from them are static libraries (.a files):
2015年09月13 - I've compiled a minimal example of code using Qt, and noticed that linking to its .lib files added a requirement for my compiled program to link to it