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将宏指定给按钮表单控件(有限制) - Assign Macro to button form control (with restrictions)
2013年11月24 - I'm looking to do the following: 我想做以下事情: Assign a macro to a form control button, but only let the
如何将范围声明为路径? - How to declare range as Path?
2014年12月04 - I need a solution for my code, I need a "MyDir" reads Path from Sheet1.Range("A1"). This is the code
有更好的方法为Regexp或操作符分组单词吗? - Is there a better way to group words for the Regexp Or operator?
2017年03月27 - When using regular expressions in VBA, (Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5) I often find
工作簿。专注前开放收益(Excel 2010和2016) - Workbooks.open return before focus (Excel 2010 and 2016)
2016年04月01 - because Workbooks.Open returns to VBA before Excel Activate the new workbook [it works fine using debugger
将Excel字符串数组传递给用户定义的VBA函数 - Passing Excel string array to user defined VBA function
2015年08月26 - 符串数组,然后将其传递给一个用户定义的函数,以删除空格并将用“,”分隔的字符串连接起来。 I have a function that does this when called from a VBA
按特定顺序打印多个Excel表 - Print Multiple Excel sheets in a specific order
2015年03月15 - I am trying to print/publish multiple sheets from Excel workbook, but in a specific order. I use the
如果阻塞和块混淆 - if block and with block confusion
2014年03月28 - I had this code working, then tried to add a loop, to work over several sheets, which I failed, so t
Excel 2013 64位VBA:剪贴板API不起作用。 - Excel 2013 64-bit VBA: Clipboard API doesn't work
2013年09月07 - I used to be able to use Windows API calls in Excel VBA to set text on the clipboard. But ever
如何在java中读取vb随机访问文件 - how to read vb random access file in java
2011年09月06 - I write vba macros, that create file in random access mode: 我写了vba宏,它以随机访问模式创建文件: Private Type
指向存储为集合/字典项VBA的数组的指针 - Pointers to arrays stored as collection/dictionary items VBA
2017年04月21 - With variant arrays where each element is a double array I am able to do the following: 对于变量数组,其中每个元

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